Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Secret To Changing The World

Haven't you always wanted to change the world? Well why don't you? Allow me to elaborate.

As kids, I'm pretty sure every one of us had one of those projects that wanted us to 'talk about what and how we could change the world for the better' - and I'm pretty sure 90% of us gave some long winded response that we would want world peace and that we would end wars and what not. Well, now as adults, we have discovered that it's really not that easy - is it? Well perhaps world peace is out of our reach, but heck, anyone can change the world, but I think we look past that much too often.

You're probably all scratching your heads, thinking "What is this quack talking about?" But really, it's so easy that I think we don't regard it as anything worth while. Now, I'm not looking to preach, but I do want to point this out - not because I'm better than anyone else, but because I've decided that this is something I strive to do from now on, and I want to share it. I suppose I should actually say what I'm getting at, and stop beating around the bush - and before I start losing readers.

So the 'secret' to changing the world? It can be as simple as a smile at some stranger across the street. And that's the honest to God's truth. Say hello to someone on the street, take interest in something or someone who you never thought was worth your time. Teach someone something new, read a book to a kid.

And now I'm sure people are looking at this post, and are about to scrap it,and go to the next blog - but I'm not talking out of my ass - I'm actually serious. Think about it, perhaps your smile could cause someone to have a good day, which in turn they will pass on. Even if they don't, you still changed the little piece of the world that's around you. At least I think that's how we should look at it.

Now I'm sure you're asking yourself what struck me on the head to think this and write it out, and really, it's simple. I have a good friend, and apparently, teaching her how to cook changed how she feels about herself, for the better of course. Now, she's happily sharing this knowledge with other people by feeding them good, home made food :) To me, that's something to be proud of, because I feel like I changed the world just a little bit - but maybe that's just me, and maybe my ideas are skewed, but really, if you think about it, it's nice to think that maybe the nice things we do for one another really does put a dent in how the world spins - though I guess we'll never know!

Food for thought <3

A bientot!


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