Monday, April 28, 2008

Dalhousie Pre-Workshop Thoughts - Student Learning

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week (April 30, May 1), I'll be attending the Dalhousie conference about student learning. I was asked to write up a my thoughts and reasoning for going prior to attending this event.

I feel that, as a student attending this kind of conference, I might be able to take away from it, the reasons teachers teach as they do, and perhaps, put in some input with a student's perspective as it is about student learning. Because each teacher has their own teaching style, and each student had their own learning style, it is important to talk about it. I feel as a student, I might be able to take away more understanding of the teaching methods and how to perhaps make it better, and easier to learn from.

As well as personal learning from this experience, I think that this conference will come in to good use while preparing the BUSI2750 (Intro to Business for IT Professionals) online course, as well as putting together the Women Unlimited Workshop. As a contributor to both these activities, I feel that it would help me be more productive as I will be more informed on successful and innovative teaching ideas and styles.

All in all, I'm really looking forward to the next 2 days, and plan on giving back to my peers with the same enthusiasm as the speakers over the span of this conference.

A bientot!

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